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There is a philosophy that seems pessimistic at first sight but if analysed correctly proves to be otherwise. It is called antinatalism. The long and the short of it is that it views human procreation as unethical as there is too much worldly suffering and this is how it has been since Adam was a boy — people have inflicted so much harm on Earth that it is best if nobody births and we could all end the misery by self-annihilation as a species.
Версия для слабовидящих. Рогачевский молочно- консервный комбинат всегда радует своих поклонников качеством продукции, полезным натуральным составом, непревзойденным вкусом и широким ассортиментом, который постоянно обновляется. Что ждет любителей «молочки» на прилавках магазинов? Сырное дело В перечне более наименований продукции можно найти все для полноценного питания. Взять победителей различных конкурсов и «звезд» любой выставки — рогачевские полутвердые и твердые сыры, которые справедливо заслужили народную любовь.
Presented as a novel, this is a not-at-all-disguised memoir of the four years that the author spent in a Siberian penal prison as a political prisoner. A remarkably credible and vivid account centered on the personalities of his fellow prisoners and of the prison guards while calmly and clearly recounting the terrible punishments handed out to the common prisoners the intellectuals and nobles like the author were exempted from corporal punishment as well as the everyday conditions in the crowded, filthy and bug-infested prison camp. An e-book, with the original Russian texts in an annex, is available for downloading below. The original Russian texts can also be seen here. In the midst of the steppes, of the mountains, of the impenetrable forests of the desert regions of Siberia, one meets from time to time with little towns of a thousand or two inhabitants, built entirely of wood, very ugly, with two churches—one in the centre of the town, the other in the cemetery—in a word, towns which bear much more resemblance to a good-sized village in the suburbs of Moscow than to a town properly so called. In most cases they are abundantly provided with police-master, assessors, and other inferior officials.